As a business owner, you need to create a marketing plan for your business. It’s as essential to your business as a map is to a traveler. Having a carefully laid out marketing plan can mean the difference to having a thriving business and one that has to shut its...
business plan
How To Create Your Master Project List
How essential is having a Master Project List for your business? The answer is: VERY. Your MPL, short for the master project list, is where you keep all your “to do” items. Whether these tasks are low or high priority, having them on your MPL helps you prioritize what...
10 Effective Business Plans To Help You Succeed
Why is following your business plan so important to the future of your business? Have you created a new or improved business plans this year? Carefully laid out business plans are your roadmap to success. It’s equally as vital to starting a marketing strategy. We...
How to Write A Business Budget Plan for Next Year
There are a lot of things to prioritize when it comes to running a business, from creating a brand to building a website, generating leads, and marketing your products or services. But there’s one element that you should always keep on top, and that’s budgeting. A...
Why Setting Business Goals for 2022 as Early as NOW Matters
Does your business have a solid, winning business plan for next year? Every business has a variety of approaches when it comes to setting goals, especially budgeting, marketing, or finances. It's crucial to understand where your money comes from and how you spend it...
5 Ways To Be More A Thankful Person
Is showing gratitude really out of the ordinary or just a plain customary response? A sense of gratitude is evident when people smile and are thankful despite bad situations. A positive approach to life comes from appreciating everything you have instead of focusing...
How To Make Your Business Action Plan SMART
Does your company have a realistic action plan to keep your focus on your goals? As your plans begin to work and you are hitting some goals, it feels like the perfect moment to claim success. Success is what motivates us to move forward, but it is also important to...
The 5 Benefits of Having an Effective Budget Plan
Tax season is currently wrapping up - how are you doing with your budget? Have you been able to follow your budget plan for 2021? It is essential to have an effective budget plan and to follow it because it helps control your expenditures Budgeting is a crucial part...
Use Your “Zone of Genius” to be Unstoppable in Your Business and Life!
Are you living in your zone of genius? Is your life and career balanced with one another? In order to know whether you’re in your zone of genius, you need to first understand what the term means. The “zone of genius”, created by Gay Hendricks, is often defined as the...
First Quarter Goals: How to Effectively Execute a Review
How is 2021 going for you so far? March is almost over - did you hit your first quarter goals? If yes... Give yourself a pat on the back - but don’t stop there. It’s time to set some higher goals for the next quarter. At this point, you’ve already built momentum for...