The holidays are for spending time with families, eating grand meals, giving back to communities, and accomplishing tasks before the end of the year. How are you going to squeeze time to do thousands of things? Some of us find holidays to be the busiest,...
hiring a coach
5 Ways To Be More A Thankful Person
Is showing gratitude really out of the ordinary or just a plain customary response? A sense of gratitude is evident when people smile and are thankful despite bad situations. A positive approach to life comes from appreciating everything you have instead of focusing...
Are you feeling lucky?
How many are watching the Olympics? What sports do you watch? I love to watch the stories of the athletes, the dreams they have for this event, hard work they have put in and level of excellence all around. I don’t watch much TV, but I love having the Olympics playing...
Why Should You Hire A Coach?
Are you ready for the next stage of your career? Have you ever wanted to make significant changes in your life or career but felt a bit skeptical of how to even start? Ever considered how a coach may help you navigate these changes? You know what your goals in life...
The Importance of Small Actions Make A Big Difference
Businesses these days are experiencing hardships, or maybe we can say a slight disruption. While others managed to remain afloat, there are those looking for what might be small actions that could help them reach their goals. Whether your business is struggling or...
What Can a Business Coach do for you?
What can a business coach do for you? Have you ever thought to yourself that you know what to do - yet you have issues seeing the vision through? Have you had some success in your business, but know you could do more? A coach helps guide you in making decisions...
Why Hiring A Coach Will Help Your Bottom Line
Have you ever considered hiring a business coach, but not sure it is worth the investment? Investing in the right business coach should help you make more money and have more left at the end of the year. Hiring a business coach can help you increase...