- How do I know which of my marketing strategies work?
- Which marketing strategies are cost effective?
- How can I capture the contact information for new leads?
- How do I develop a lead pipeline?
- Where do I get leads for my buyer agents?
- How can my team be more productive?
The answers to these questions are found in Your Technology System. A Technology System should give you predictable ways of identifying prospects without requiring you or your team members to spend hours of time searching for names or contact information. Your Technology System should:
- Assist you in managing your marketing.
- Incubate long term leads.
- Identify “hot” leads needing immediate service.
- Communicate with your clientele.
- And save you and your team countless hours of valuable time.
To maximize the potential of your Technology System, you must be sure the system is both compelling and capturing. Compelling technologies attract consumers (leads,) hold the attention of consumers, and show you the evidence that consumers return via the given technology. An example of this technology is a dynamic personal website. Capturing technologies give you a means of contacting and tracking consumers, for example, an effective 1-800 number and/or text messaging. Working at full potential, a Technology System will assist you in identifying cost-effective marketing strategies, give your team contact information on leads, and save everyone valuable time. The result will be a productive use of time and more sales!