As you sat and rang in 2020 you set resolutions for yourself and goals for your business. How are you doing now that we are two weeks in? Is 2020 off to a great start?
Goals are great to set, creating the plan to achieve those goals is what is often missed or given too little attention.
Did you create a plan for 2020? If not, it is not too late! Or maybe you are seeing that your plan had some holes in it.
Well now is the time to complete your plan for this year.
I have coached thousands of Small Business Owners over the past 20+ years to exam their values, set goals, figure out where they are right now, and then creating a PLAN to hit those goals.
I took that process and created a planning guide – put on Amazon and quickly became an Amazon #1 Best Seller.
As a subscriber of this e-newlsetter, I would like to gift you a PDF copy of this Best Seller.
Go to:
Scroll to the bottom and select the Small Business version (unless you are in Real Estate or Network Marketing – I have specific guides for those professions)
You will also get access to a 3-part audio recording I did walking people through completing this guide. It does go into further detail that I was able to go into in 3 hours compared to our 60 minutes we have together today.
The power of planning is incredible. It all starts with a far-out unattainable dream. Then simply add in the baby steps it will take along the way and you’re almost there.
Are you ready to stop going through the motions in your business and really have a breakout year in your business? This is my wish for you. Enjoy your gift.
Two weeks in, how is 2020 starting off?