I have always loved photography. I got my first camera for my 6th Birthday and was dubbed the family photographer at a very young age.
Taking photos taps into the right side of my brain and allows me to explore my artistic side while giving my left brain business side a rest.
Wildlife and landscape photography is my passion. I have just started following that dream. My goal is to shoot wildlife photos around the globe someday. I am not going to let anyone steal that dream.
How about you? What are your dreams? What are your BIG Dreams? Whatever they are, don’t let anyone steal them from you!
As we come into the 4th quarter of 2018, I just want to encourage you to go for it!
Quarterly is a great time to review your goals and what you need to do in order to end they year strong. It is also a great time to review your Balance Wheel and see what other areas you might need to spend some time on as we end the year. Maybe you need some self-care or to explore your artistic side. Whatever IT is for you! Keep dreaming! I believe in you!