The Business Meeting vs. The Soccer Game – How to Make the Right Decisions for You and for Your Family

by | Oct 9, 2014 | Real Estate Moms

Figuring out the best way to allocate your time isn’t just tough as a real estate mom, sometimes it feels impossible. You know the balancing act well already, and you know how hard it is to let anyone down. Running a successful real estate business requires a lot of your time. Being a mother also requires a lot of your time.
Your goal is to balance the two effectively, so no one is left out in the cold. Unfortunately, there are many instances where you will have to make a choice. This is a hefty decision – your kids or your clients. Luckily, it’s not that cut and dry, because if it was, there wouldn’t be many real estate moms in business anymore. We are all moms first and foremost.
With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at this tightrope act and see what we can do to minimize the unbalance.
The Upheaval of Family and Work
Successful businesses just don’t magically happen. They take incredibly hard work, dedication, and devotion to the cause. This breaks down into a lot of time spent on work, which often means less time with the children. Guilt on a mother’s shoulders is second only to the guilt a mother can give her children. While giving the guilt takes years of practice to perfect, feeling the guilt is a talent all too easy to learn.
Whether it’s missing a sporting event, not being there for your daughter’s big dance, or not having the energy left to take your kids to the park; when we feel like we’ve let out children down, it’s pretty much the worst feeling in the world. Kids grow up fast, being afraid of “missing out,” is a burden every parent faces.
On the other end of this spectrum is the want to see our business succeed. As a real estate professional, building your business and continually growing your business results in a huge sense of accomplishment. We’re proud of what we do, and we’re proud we can do it well. When we have to cancel an appointment, or can’t quite meet a client’s needs, the devastation we feel is natural.
Balancing Your Life
Learning to balance your life, in all its forms, is incremental for success. And not just for your career, but also for your family. Here are a few ideas to help you out:
Determine what your sales goals are first, and then determine how much time you need to make those goals. Work it down to the number of clients you need to have and the amount of homes you need to sell. Be exact!
What is going on for your family each week? Know what social functions are important for you to attend. If it’s an easy week on the social front, go ahead and plan a bit more time for you business.
If there are commitments both for your children and for you business, decide WITH you children (get their input) which of their activities you will attend, and which you will miss. Balance those against your work commitments.
Schedule these commitments into your database. Top Producer is an excellent database to consider if you aren’t currently using one.
When new meetings need to be set, work them into your preplanned schedule. Don’t deviate from this. Especially don’t break your word to your kids if you can help it – if you’ve promised you’d be at a specific function, try very hard to live up to this.
Most clients are flexible. An hour here or there won’t affect them overly much, and certainly won’t be a deal breaker. Be honest with them that you have other commitments, but that you definitely want to work with them. They’ll appreciate both the honesty and your willingness to fit them in.
If you must change plans with your kids, only do so once you’ve discussed it with them. This is not asking them for permission, but rather, giving them the respect you would give a business associate you had to change plans with. Allow some discussion about it and be sure to balance the missed event with something new.
Once again, balancing your professional life with your personal life is mostly about communication, organization, and preparation. By combining these three aspects, you’ll eventually find it easier and easier to walk the tightrope!
Real Estate and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri offers Group Coaching for Moms, Working Mothers and Pregnant Women in Real Estate, on how to balance careers with family responsibility. Learn more at, and visit Coach Cheri’s Real Estate Moms blog atReal Estate Moms.
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