Summer is here – don’t lose your momentum!
You started out this year having big goals for your business.
With the help of your coach, you created a plan, started implementing it by doing the daily routines.
Results started coming in – slowly at first (which may have raised some doubts in your head) – but then things started happening in a big way!
Like a locomotive, slowly but surely blasting to full power, your business steams ahead, fueled by the energy of the well-implemented plans that you started this year.
But then, summer comes. Memorial weekend, school’s out, and all other kinds of vacation take you off that track and slow you down.
Essentially, everything goes out of the window this summer.
So by the time September rolls around, you’re back to zero. You restart the campaign and find that it’s harder this time around.
Because you failed to maintain the daily actions during the summer season, you find yourself struggling when fall comes, and by the time December comes, you’re nowhere near your goal.
So what happened? You lost momentum.
Think about it – you had great goals coming into 2019, but because you failed to keep this business “momentum” going, you went into a dead stop and have to start all over again.
As a fellow business coach once told me: “You may be on vacation, but your business isn’t going to be.”
Just because the summer season is here doesn’t mean you can slack off your daily tasks and routines.
Think about your 2019 business goals as if you’re flying an airplane to get to a destination.
It takes a lot of fuel and power to get the plane off the ground, but once the plane achieves what we call a cruising altitude, things get easier. It becomes easier to maintain that altitude because the momentum has been built up.
This is the same with your business. At the start of the year, it took a lot of time, effort and resources to get your plans rolling. It was slow at first, but as soon as you found your groove, leads came in at a steady rate.
But just because your potential leads are going for vacation in summer doesn’t mean you should stop doing the daily tasks you’ve been doing going up. A plane doesn’t kill its engines just because it’s cruising in the atmosphere.
You need to stay consistent over the summer.
Now this doesn’t mean you should completely abandon every plan you’ve made for having fun with your family during summer; by all means, rework your schedule and allow for more time with the family, but NEVER stop working all together.
Plan vacations and fun around the warm weather, but don’t let fun be the only thing you plan. Remember your daily disciplines. Stay on the right course.
All it takes is balance. You need to understand your priorities and make compromises to meet your needs in the area of your work and family.
Trust me: it will be worth it when September hits and and you are not “starting over” again!
Hire a coach. If you need some help with balancing work and family over the summer, but still want to keep your momentum – hire a coach to keep you on track, enjoying your family during summer break, and moving your business ahead in a big way.