As Realtor, keeping in touch with your Sphere, Clients and Prospects is so important.
Fall has come and our much awaited Holidays are swiftly approaching! It will be a good time to send our greetings in advance and avoid the hassle of sending numerous cards at once. Your clients and prospects will feel remembered and special. Isn’t that what you want?
Sending out cards early this fall will save you time, when the Holidays in December do roll around. Now is the time to shore up that past client and sphere list, update addresses and add new clients and prospects from this year. If any of them get returned to you, you can contact them and get their updated address before sending Christmas Cards.
Sending out cards this fall will help you stand out from the competition while building your business! Halloween, Thanksgiving and Veterans Day are just around the corner so why not take some pressure off yourself this year to get your Holiday Cards done now.
You can even create your Christmas Card Campaign now, when you are not frazzled from the season-of-over-doing-it, and have them scheduled to go out before Christmas. A little planning now can make the Holidays much smoother. Let SendOutCards help.