New Year’s Day is the day that many of us make those New Year’s Resolutions. I bet you set one or two this year. What are resolutions? I like to think of them as goals being put into reality. Unfortunately, some resolutions only last for hours; some will last for days; some last for weeks.
But what is the trick to really making those goals reality?
I remember in 2004 when a coaching client of mine asked me to join Team Emily and run either a half or a full marathon for charity. This was not something I’d ever considered doing – I wasn’t a runner, by any stretch of the imagination. But, the charity was one I couldn’t turn my back on so, I agreed to run this half-marathon thinking it was about supporting my client, thinking it was about a scholarship winner that would have their lives touched and changed by this college opportunity. All good enough reasons – more than enough for me to set my goal to run the half-marathon, and more than enough to focus on crossing that finish line.
But, what I didn’t know then was what the journey would teach me – the lessons I would learn in those 13.1 miles.
Running a half-marathon was once a goal of mine that is now a reality. So was living in Southern California, getting married to my soul mate and writing a book. I am excited to share with you that I actually have two books that will be coming out in the few months.
A Guide to Getting It: Marketing and Branding will hit store shelves soon. To pre-order an autographed copy visit
And, secondly, look for 13 Lessons Learned in 13.1 Miles. In this book, I share 13 lessons with you – lessons that will help you set your goals, face any obstacles on your path, and, ultimately – achieve your goals. The journey isn’t always easy, but these 13 lessons will last a lifetime. To find out more information about this book and to sign up for information on when this book will be released visit
Happy New Year, and go turn those dreams, those goals, those resolutions, into reality!