Summer Memories deserve to be “captured” properly!
Summer is in full swing. We just celebrated Independence Day with parades, BBQs, and fireworks. I bet you took lots of photos! Posting them on Facebook is fun, but wouldn’t it be great to have those best shots a little more tangible and viable?
Who did you spend time with this past week? Who invited you to something? Why not thank them with a custom card sent from your SendOutCards Account? Include some of those great photos you took and even throw in a gift if you need to thank someone for their hospitality.
If you are looking for more reasons to celebrate this July:
July 6th is World Kissing Day!
July 16th is National Ice Cream Day!!
July 19th is National Hot Dog Day
July 24th in National Tequila Day
Lots of reasons and ways to celebrate!
Summer is a time for fun and creating memories. Take a few minutes today to capture those memories in a card and send those memories to the people you care about.
Happy Summer and Happy Sending!