January is almost over. Are you going to hit your January Goals?
Are you satisfied in where you are?
If yes, congratulations!
If not, then it may be time to look at your plan.
Did you follow through on your action items for the month? Or did you get sidetracked?
Perhaps the plan is not yielding the results you were expecting.
Maybe you need to rework your action plan or get some accountability to help keep you on track.
Maybe you need some help.
Goal Setting vs. Goal Achievement
Setting up goals and achieving them are two different things. Creating a plan is one thing; however, executing your plan takes time, effort and consistency.
Have you ever considered hiring a coach to help you stay accountable to following through on getting your action items accomplished?
Having a coach can also guide you through the hurdles and help you analyze and evaluate your plan; in other words, success is more likely when you have a coach helping you.
If you agree that you need someone to help you evaluate your plan or to help you stay accountable to to fulfill your monthly goals, then NOW is the time to act.
Don’t take my word for it. Take a look at what one of my clients has to say about coaching:
Lisa R.
(Tacoma, Washington)
“Coach Cheri, I can’t express enough how grateful I am for your guidance and keeping me ‘On Track’.
A few months back; when I had lost all my listings in one day due to my builder going out of business, when I hadn’t received a check in months, and ready to go get ‘a job’, I called you out of desperation. You offered to do some coaching for me to at least get me focused and help me make a wise decision about my career. I am eternally grateful.
Together, we realized that it made no sense for me to get ‘a job’ and throw away 12 hard years of building my Real Estate Business. If I hadn’t called you that day, I am sure I would be waiting tables today. I felt that desperate. My Real Estate Business is now really back on track. We started a plan, and I’m happy to say that I can now pay for coaching and can see the light. I’ve had to change how I do things, but in the process, have gained a new appreciation for Real Estate and find that I’m in much more control of My Business.
Keep up the good service. You are an expert in your field.”
So what are you waiting for? If 2019 is going to be YOUR YEAR, take action today.
Request a complimentary sample coaching session to test out coaching to see if it is right for you.