Working Moms Always Have a Plan B (and a Plan C)

by | Nov 24, 2014 | Real Estate Moms

It’s never easy to juggle everything going on when you’re a working mom; there always seems to be something to keep you on your toes and ready for anything. By default, as working moms, we always have a plan B, a plan C and sometimes even a plan D. When trying to balance parenting with the challenges of running your own business, you need to have a big bag of tricks ready for any situation.

Plan B
Just as soon as you think you have things figured out for the week; how to balance play dates, school concerts, business meetings, and project deadlines, it is inevitable that something will happen to throw a wrench in your plans. That’s why you always need to have a Plan B ready to go, just in case of emergency. You wake up, you had planned to finish that project today while the kids are at school, but instead, you find your 5 year-old sniffling and coughing non stop. How do you compromise your work deadlines with your child’s health? Rework your day: commit to your child’s health 100%, and while he/she is napping, you can get an hour or two in to wrap up that project; you may even be able to utilize a few hours in the evening when your spouse gets home.
Plan C
However you need to work it, you will be able to find a way to get things done because working moms are never short oncreativity when it comes to fitting everything into a busy day. If your babysitter fell through, you don’t need to panic, just pull out Plan C, which might be a special stash of new toys that you reserve for an emergency such as this. The new toys will keep your kids occupied while you can sneak some work in.
Plan D
Another great idea to use as a back-up plan is a friend orneighbor with similar aged children as your own. If you are really stuck, and your plans B and C fall through, give them a call and offer to switch babysitting days. Almost all moms will jump at the chance to have a free afternoon, so swap babysitting with your friend and buy yourself some time.
It’s a good idea for working moms to always have various plans ready to go in case of emergency. For some more tips from real moms on how to balance, rework, and juggle, check outSurvival Tips for Working Moms: 297 Real Tips from Real Moms by Linda Goodman Pillsbury. Life doesn’t always run as smoothly as we would like but when you have a back up plan, you will be able to relax a bit and take things as they come. What’s your plan B, plan C, or plan D?
Real Estate, Business and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals and Small Business Owners to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri specializes in Group Coaching for Small Business Owners, Working Mothers, and Real Estate Agents and Managers. Learn more at
If you’re a Working Mother in the Real Estate Industry, visit Coach Cheri’s Real Estate Moms blog atReal Estate Moms.