Real Estate Moms Survey Results

by | May 7, 2014 | Real Estate Moms

Real Estate Moms Survey Results
Cheri Alguire, April 2006

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the Real Estate Moms Survey. Here are the results:

70% of those of you Real Estate Moms who participated in this survey entered the Real Estate industry for theability to set own schedule, and 80%agree that their career in Real Estatemet the expectations they had before entering the industry.

33% state the biggest challenge they face being a Real Estate Mom is finding time for themselves, with the next biggest challenge, at 22.2%, beingfinding time for their families.

55.6% of Real Estate Moms find itsomewhat difficult to find time for themselves. Split evenly – 44.4% find it somewhat easy and 44.4% find itsomewhat difficult to get the things completed they need to each day. And, 89% agree that if time didn’t allow, on a typical day, work for current clients would be most likely to get done, while 44.4% agree that time for self would be least likely to get done. Additionally, 44% of Real Estate Moms find itsomewhat difficult to find effective ways to juggle business and family.

44.4% of you Real Estate Moms find it somewhat difficult toset boundaries in business (keeping family away from work life), and state it is somewhat easy to set boundaries at home(keeping business away from home life).

77.8% of surveyed Real Estate Moms have an Administrative Assistant in place as a support person, and 55.6% utilize the support of Housekeepers77.8% of you Real Estate Moms would LIKE to have a Personal Assistant in place someday,66.7% would LIKE to have a Housekeeper in place and 55.6% would LIKE to have an Administrative Assistant in place someday.

44.4% of Real Estate Moms surveyed feel very supported by their spouse or partner and families with regard to their businesses, and 44.4% feel somewhat supported by their spouse or partner and family with regard to their businesses.44.4% of you Real Estate Moms feel your spouses/partners could be more supportive with more help with the housework, and33.3% feel your spouses/partners could be more supportive withunderstanding of the need for “me” time, and feel your spouses/partners could be more supportive with understanding of your businesses.

88.9% of Real Estate Moms state they utilize no kinds of business moms support groups.

100% of the Real Estate Moms who were surveyed find little ways to show their families they love them when they are busy running their businesses, and 66.7% involve their children in their businesses, with 33.3% hoping their children will become Real Estate professionals.

66.7% of Real Estate Moms state their families adjust somewhat well, financially, to not having the steady income that a corporate position could have provided, and 77.8% say they are somewhat satisfied with the income their Real Estate careers provide.

55.6% of the Real Estate Moms surveyed state they work somewhat well together with their spouses/partners to maintain work and home. 44% rate (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being easy and 5 being difficult) a 2 on being able to maintain focus at business, and being able to maintain focus at home.

As a special thank you to all of you who took the time to respond to this survey, I am offering a free teleclass on Thursday, May 4th at 1 pm ET (10 am PT) to talk about the results of this survey and how some successful Real Estate Moms are dealing with these very challenges. To register for this survey, please send an email to with “May 4th” in the subject line. You will be emailed with the instructions on how to join this class. This free teleclass is also open to those of you Real Estate Moms who were unable to participate in the survey.

I would also love to hear your comments on this survey. Please click on “Comment” below.


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